Friday, August 25, 2017

Wordpress vs Wordpress
  • You host the server
  • You pay for your server and have to keep the web server ( itself is free to use though)
  • You get your own domain name
  • You get more flexibility, range, and options (plug-ins, themes, and code)
  • You can add in ads and make money from it
  • Recommended by a majority of websites over
  • Wordpress hosts the server
  • Cheaper/free
  • Domain name includes
  • Can't have custom themes
  • Hosting service ranges from $36-$5000 a month 
  • Automatically backs your website up for you
  • There is ads on your page, but you don't get money from it
  • You can't see any statistics of your page
  • They have the power to delete at any time if they think it goes against their policy
Conclusion: Most websites prefer because it's gives you more free range to do whatever you want, and in the end it's probably cheaper then, you just need to keep up the site yourself. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

House Locator Software

Throughout this journey on finding software for Mr. Map Builder Guy (MBG for short), I found many shortcuts and secrets that companies use to make their businesses accessible to customers. One of the companies I took a look at was Apple, and they made their own map unlike the other companies. I looked more into their source code and found that they used separate divs for everything, and mostly separated all the locations using column divs. Before any tag, ac-ls and then whatever they wanted to happen then would appear. Here's an example: 
id="ac-ls-dropdown-options" class="ac-ls-dropdown-options" role="menu" aria-expanded="false">. Even tags that weren't divs had "ac-ls", so I'm thinking that's the code word that connects it all together.

 Now for Zillow and Walmart. The both actually just connected their site to bing or google, which sounds like a much more reliable and easier way to go about it. Sites like Walmart can let google do all the work because the site hours and locations are already connected through Google, so when Walmart connected it, they just needed to make a few tweaks with the popups and they were good to go. Now what Zillow did with Bing is what we would be doing more realistically because we're dealing with houses as well. Having individually dots for MGB's customers and having the ability to search, zoom, and pop up names will make things easy to find and use for MGB. Also, if Zillow wanted to add something to their map, a tag named bing attribution would be added to have that flexibility of adding some of your own things. Something I learned from Zillow that I knew was that whenever you hover over a certain dot (house) it will automatically send that dot above the other ones and push the other ones behind it.