Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My Photo Composition Site

This is my Photo Composition site and in this site I stated all the rules of Photo Composition and took pictures to give an example of each rule. I really liked this project because I love photography and I got to find different spots within town that I've never come across before. I made a responsive version of this site, which is the last picture, and my Mac n' Cheese site is also responsive and I got to take another path for this tutorial then I did for my Mac n' Cheese site, which was really interesting. If I had to do anything different, I would look into different pictures for my header and spending more time on my header to make sure it matches my color scheme. What I really like about this site is the strokes on the sidebar, header, footer, and main because I think it gives a really cool effect throughout the site.

So what is responsive Web Design? Basically, having a responsive website just ensures that if you're using a tablet, mobile phone, or any other different sized screens, that your page will change to make it easier to see all your content, pictures, and other links. This is a very important process of making a website. When putting it together, you put a "media queries" in the top of your source code on all your pages so that it applies when you go to upload it to your server. Breakpoints occur when your making the page small and it gets to a certain size where your sidebar and images get small or move around your text. In my last screenshot, notice that my side bar goes to the bottom of the page.

I've also found a responsive website, and you can see that as I go smaller, the text starts getting smaller and the email request box is now stacked. I think they did a great job with keeping everything the same size so we can still see it and it's the same information.

Here's a link to my responsive Photo Composition site:
Photo Composition Site

Here's a link that goes back to my project page:
Ava's Index Page