Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My website

When we first starting going into Dreamweaver, I didn't expect all the new CSS rules and different style techniques you could use. As I got farther into the project, I knew that this was not what I was expected. I had never done web design before, so this was a new experience for me and I knew that I could definitely consider going into this strand of e-comm. The bonus questions along the way helped me understand better what the codes were for and the background information we needed to complete the project. If you missed a step, there was most likely a question on it and you can go back and look at all the steps and find out what you did wrong and it still wouldn't effect what you already had. My process went by fairly fast, I have always had a tendency to get things fast and ready to learn the next step eagerly. I learned that if you have a problem on one of your projects that's overlapped with another project, you go back to the other project and double check nothing went wrong in that one before inserting it into your other project. Professionally, I learned a lot of other people don't know the process of making these, even though they had instructions, they didn't understand, but that's okay because the whole point of this project was to get used to the process and find out whether you we're interested it or not. I would maybe change and try different color styles in the schedule, as well as figure out how to change the font and size of the text easily. On my next project, I would try different colors and size fonts. I like the black against the light blue, so I wouldn't change that. I also liked how we learned creating links from the text to go to your other project. Overall, I could definitely see myself learning more about this software and creating my own projects.


My Dream House

 In the beginning of creating my dream house, I pictured what I wanted when I grew up. A small little modern house located near the city, but not in it. I wanted something unique that people would look at and want that house. While making my house, I learned that what I wanted, I couldn't even come close to making. So instead, I focused on a new house, not my dream house, but still something someone would look at and think that is was so simple it was perfect, and I think I created that. The process of my animation was created by looking at some examples, experimenting with my skills, and what I could accomplish. I learned that for this software, you can do exact measurements and create what you would want rather than just insertion a plain rectangle. Professionally, I learned to try a couple of different ideas you like before you narrow it down to the one you like best and possibly create something that has a little bit of everything in it. Asking my friends or my teacher also helped me deciding colors, overhangs, and decoration. They could tell me what they did like and what they didn't like, as well as what I should change to make it better.

Next time,  I would add more decoration to the outside and more detail to the windows and doors, as well as making the overhangs more visable. I would definitely look at the possibility of adding more to the outside of the house and giving it more of a city feel. I would do the colors the same, the windows, and the plants because I think it gives it a cool effect as far as unique styles go. From this experience, I learned that on my next project, look at some examples and layouts before I start and create something that everyone would enjoy looking at. Looking at these pictures, I like the color and the boldness of the doors. I also like the overhangs on the windows. Another thought that comes to mind is the spacing between the windows, and I would probably make the width of the house smaller so there isn't so much blank space.
