Web Design Final Reflection
Technology is one of the biggest aspects of eComm, and the biggest thing I took from it was how to fluently use adobe suites. It started in Graphic Design my freshmen year when we started Illustrator and Photoshop, and as the years have gone on and I’ve used them more and more they’ve gotten easier to use and I’m using new tools to create advanced graphics or web sites. These skills come in handy when making a website because if you’re making a mockup for a client or just doing a project, you can quickly and efficiently make something and put it in your website. Of course there were challenges and struggles when I didn’t know how to use a certain tool, but that’s all apart of the learning process and it helps me become more efficient in those tools specifically because I got more help on them.
Collaboration is one of my strongest suits out of all these categories. I use it daily when helping (or talking) to my peers and even working together to make suggestions to our websites. Of course, collaboration can also be viewed in the negative when you’re talking too much and not collaborating on work but rather just talking.
Communication is another one of my strong suits because our specific web design class is generally really close and friendly with each other so we don’t have a problem asking each other for help when we need it or just asking for advice and feedback on something.
Project Management
I’ve found myself struggling with project management more this year than ever. Last year, I was so on top of it and everything was done in advance, and this year I’m still getting things in on time but I’ve found myself having more crunch time during projects when I just need to block off other people and work in order to get it done on time. Management comes in handy in pretty much any and every job position you’ll hold in the future, because you’re always going to have a deadline in something and you’re always going to need to have long nights and early mornings in order to get it done.
I mainly learned leadership freshmen year during the 4th quarter project and working together to create a project. It was hard adjusting to new people in a new environment, but it really helped broaden my horizons and become more comfortable with Olathe Northwest and e-Comm in general.
Greatest Strength &Weakness
My greatest strength has to be communicating and leadership, while my worst one is getting distracted easily. If I’m by myself, I’ll get things done so fast but if someone starts talking to me I get sidetracked and before I know it, 20 minutes has passed (maybe that’s the reason for my time crunching problem in time management…) I’ve definitely improved throughout the last couple years in all of these aspects and I’m going to continue growing next year and hopefully after that.
What Now?
I’m going to take what I’ve learned these past three years and apply it all on my senior year and try to make my websites better as well as preparing for senior show and eMagine and going out with a bang. If I had to change anything, it would be nothing. Web design has been my happy source for 3 years and if I had to go back I would change absolutely nothing. Sure there’s been struggles, but that’s just a bumpy road through life and it helps get to your main goal in the end.
In conclusion, eComm has been and will be the best experience of my high school career. It taught me so many things about technology and future clients that I know will come in handy later on in the future, even if I don’t do anything website related.